For the interest of anyone who has not yet heard about HHC, the following is a concise explanation of what HHC actually means.

Hexa-hydro-cannabinol is the abbreviated version of hexa-hydro-cannabinol. Cannabinoid known as HHC is a semi-synthetic compound. People are more familiar with the THC alternative because it has been around for a longer period of time, particularly in the United States, where HHC cartridges and flowers are available in a large number of specialist stores.


People in the United States are also more familiar with other cannabinoid varieties, such as CBG, Delta-A-THC, and THC-Delta10 than the familiarity people have in other countries. This is the case since the United States has a longer history of cannabis use. Therefore, the search for different ways to achieve a high or effects similar to CBD is not going to end any time in the near future.


HHC and THC share a number of characteristics, so it's not surprising that many people get them With Marijuana Vape Pens mixed up. These compounds share the cannabinoid class with one another, but when most people think of "marijuana," they picture the psychoactive cannabinoid known as THC. But what, really, sets these two apart from one another?


The cannabinoid THC is responsible for cannabis' psychotropic effects. This is because THC activates a set of brain receptors called CB1 receptors. This can cause a high, but it also has the potential to trigger nervousness and even panic episodes in certain people. As an added downside, some THC users report feeling sick after using the drug.


The cannabis plant was discovered to contain trace amounts of Marijuana Capsules, however, these levels were far below those considered clinically significant. As a result, THC is often used in its production in a controlled laboratory setting. Despite its similarities, HHC and THC are two different molecules because of a few key differences.


HHC and THC also have different molecular structures. Unlike Pre Rolls, where the double bond is located on the 8th carbon atom of the core ring, in -8-THC it is on the 9th carbon atom. However, this double bond is absent in HHC. As a result of this subtle difference, HHC is a far more stable molecule than THC and hence has a much longer shelf life (when exposed to heat and light, THC naturally degrades quickly to CBN).


For the most part, the HHC on the market today is extracted from hemp, which allows producers and sellers to sidestep some of the restrictions governing THC. This is another major distinction between THC and HHC. While most of the THC sold today comes from marijuana grown for recreational or medicinal purposes, the majority of the HHC on the market comes from hemp.

However, there is a lack of data on the physiological role of HHC. Yet, it's likely to bind to the CB1 and CB2 receptors due to its psychotropic effects and THC-like chemical structure. Therefore, more research is required to fully comprehend the impact.



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